Sunday morning used to be breakfast, coffee and a big newspaper. The pace of the world slowed down and we felt calm.

These days we are more likely to reach for our phones and ingest a full hit of daily doom!

Of course getting a newspaper these days is unlikely to uplift us but as I emerge today and prepare to exercise (not really feeling it!), it occurs to me that we are nearly at the end of January.

This is not to be flippant, but in my mind it means the days will be getting longer and we are closer to the end of winter than the start.

The pandemic is affecting everyone. We salute those on the front line and feel deep sadness for those closely affected by it.

The vaccination programme is in full swing and whilst there are complaints. to vaccinate a whole population isn’t an overnight exercise.

When we have something to look forward to, the world seems a better place.

Emerging from winter, vaccinations increasing, there is at least some hope and we should take positives where we can!


Will and Francesco are busy and working well. If you are aching today or in pain, or if you are thinking you need to exercise but aren’t sure what may aggravate the condition, the guys are there to help.

There is one patient in the clinic at a time and we clean enthusiastically between patients.

Thank you for trusting in Spinex, we’re here to help.

IMPORTANT: If you are coming to clinic and need to change times, please let us know so we can allocate your slot to someone.

I’m off to buy a big newspaper now and look forward to mid morning toast and a latte … after the exercise (I nearly forgot!).

Have a great day and hopefully a positive week!