18th Jan 2022

Do you work in front of a computer for hours everyday?
Do you feel stiff and achy in your neck or lower back at the end of the day?
If you have answered yes to both questions then just follow these tips to improve posture and
reduce pain and stiffness when working with the computer.
- Sit straight with your hips far back into your chair. The back of your chair should be reclined to
a 100-110 degree angle (reclined 10-20 degrees from vertical position). Shifting forward to the
edge of the seat with a straight back can alternate with sitting back against the support of the
office chair to ease the work of back muscles. - Alternatively some people benefit from a naturally balanced posture that is achieved by sitting
on a balance ball; in this posture the pelvis is rocked forward increasing the lumbar curve which
naturally shifts the shoulders back. - Keep your shoulders relaxed and back straight and supported. Don’t slouch or raise your
shoulders. - The monitor should be directly in front of you; the top of the screen should be at eye level. Sit
an arm’s length away from the monitor. - Keep your arms bent in an L shape and your elbows by your sides with your wrists in a
comfortable position. - Ensure your feet are flat on the floor and knees are in line or slightly lower than your hips.
- Use posture-friendly props and ergonomic office chairs when sitting. They can help take the
strain and load off the spine. - Make sure to take a break every thirty minutes for two minutes in order to stretch, stand, or
walk ( i.e. drink a glass of water). - Exercise regularly to help prevent injury and promote good posture.
If you are struggling with back pain at work, we’re here to help. Book an initial consultation with treatment and we will get you moving again and show you how to set up your workspace.
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