Marylebone, London

Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist

Sports injuries, posture problems and age-related mobility issues are common complaints with the shoulder, wrist and elbow. At Spinex we have years of experience treating a variety of conditions. We look at the individual joint and work on that, but we also look at the overall upper body function where there are often linked causes.

Common upper limb issues we can help with

  • Frozen shoulder and nerve impingement
  • Tennis elbow, golfer's elbow
  • Wrist fracture rehabilitation
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • General weakness and range of motion issues

Any of these conditions can affect the way we live our lives, from not being able to raise our arms, to weak grip or an inability to bend or flex without pain.  New sports injuries and old injuries coming back to haunt us later in life are the main types of upper limb issue.  If you suffer with an issue we are here to help.

Upper Limb Pain

As many people have far more sedentary lifestyles, a few specific conditions are arising.  These include computer hump, mouse shoulder and even text thumb.

Shoulder Pain

Sports injuries, new or old, may be part of the reason for shoulder pain.  This can lead to frozen shoulder, when the joint capsule gets completely stuck and considerably limits shoulder movement.  Patients find that they have excruciating pain with this condition and can only move their shoulders in certain ways.  We are able to treat the problem quickly and efficiently, helping to get the shoulder moving again and reducing pain.

Elbow Pain

Pain in and around the elbow joint is often as a result of sports injuries in tennis or golf, although you don’t have to be playing these sports  to develop such conditions.  Elbow pain is treated with manual techniques to reduce muscle spasm and inflammation around the joint and increase range of movement.

Wrist & Hand Pain

We are finding wrist and hand injuries are becoming increasingly common, again possibly due to sports injuries or RSI (repetitive strain injury).

We can help with all these types of pain as we look at the root of the problem, with special attention to the spine, the neck and posture.

We offer a free 15 minute consultation if you would like to discuss your needs or for most upper limb issues, you can book a consultation with one of the team.


Thank you for choosing Spinex Disc Clinic.

  • Free 15 minute consultation
  • Initial Consultation 45 minutes

Tel: 020 7100 4598

I have had to live with pain in my neck for 45 years and I have suffered from headaches on and off all day for 30 years. Once I started IDD Therapy I noticed a relief in pain. My most…

Anthony, London

What People say about Spinex Disc Clinic.

Spinex Disc Clinic was set up in May 2014. It is the first clinic in London and the UK specialising in the treatment of disc problems with the use of IDD Therapy.

Latest Reviews
I’ve had four IDD treatments. I was sort of towards the end, about to have an operation and then I found you guys. Now I can actually walk properly, stand up straight and I can have a good night’s sleep.…

Ashish, London

I had been suffering with back pain, radiating into my leg for years. I couldn’t carry anything or sleep well at all. After just one treatment of IDD I felt wonderful and I could walk down the street with no…

Suad, London

I have had lower back pain for four years with bulging discs in L4/5 and L5/S1. After a few IDD sessions I started to get less pain, especially at night. I am now able to sleep through the night, as…

Petra, London

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